The Garden Party
The Garden Party was a big success raising just over £1200 ! There were up to 80 people there at a time.
I enjoyed it, so if you went you I hope you did too! The Jazz band was great, did anyone notice my dancing? – I hope not! The band had put a lot of their free time into practice for it and on the day! A big thank you to them and to the people who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, and on the day!
By far the most frequently asked question was: 'When are you leaving?'
Comically that may change, at the moment I am leaving on the August 24th, but this could change to August 23rd.
This was at St Johns College in Nottingham. From Monday 12th to Thursday 15th.
The time was spent in different sessions; culture, keeping spiritually fit, health, expectations, stress and others.There were 9 other short termers there, heading of to various places in Africa at various times. There various people from Aim International leading the sessions, they were very Godly people: good examples for me to follow!
If you’re reading this Jason – I’m trying to follow your tips you gave about communication!
It was an amazing time to spend with other people with similar motives and to learn so much in such a short period of time!
Now people are asking what I am doing until I leave…
I have a ‘to do list’ as long as my arm – soon to be as long as my leg!
There are lots of little bits and pieces I have to do, such as sort out copies of important documents that I will need to leave in Hinckley and copies to take with me, as a security measure. I hope you get the gist.
Jonny...don't worry...I'm watching you...