Tuesday 8 March 2011


I’m getting a couple of the students to teach me how to play a game called Bao. It’s a game where a piece of wood is carved out 8 ‘holes’ by 4 – all the same size. It’s a two player game with a fair few people who watch on. You each have a turn to move a load of the little balls (they are called kete in this game) around, with a few extra bits such as changing direction and taking the other players balls. It’s pretty much a mathematical game.

The first friend we made here Manasi, has just arrived back from his school on a month break. We picked up him, his dad and a lady who is staying in Kahunda for a while. We picked them up about a 20 min drive from Kahunda because their bus fell over/half of a flip, it appears as though the bus driver had been drinking. Praise the Lord that nobody was injured. Their first bus that they had left Mwanza on had broken down which resulted in a 4 hour wait then they either got back on that bus or it was a replacement with which they had the accident after the accident there was another wait for the car to come and get them, not the best way to arrive home from school or on your first trip to Kahunda.

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