Wednesday, 25 August 2010


Have arrived safe and sound in Nairobi!

Wow it's different - new sounds, smells and tastes! I am travelling down to Kahunda on Sunday with Arne and the Andersens.

I am staying with the short term co ordinators for the Eastern Region of Aim - Peter & Katy.
Also I have finally met Arne, hopefully I will remember some more German as the year goes on!

Firstly though need to concentrate on the LAMP course - Language Acquisition Made Practical course - learning a new phrase each day and practising lots! Today we learnt 'H
abari za asabuhi?' - What news this morning? - which we practised lots at the local market!

This is a picture of some football shirts and shorts for children - donated by Swifts.

Saturday, 14 August 2010


So 10 days to go till take off!

Last week I was a leader at Holy Trinity's Holiday Bible Club – Treasure Seekers.

It was fantastic – I really enjoyed teaching the memory verses, I did have a lot of help coming up with the ideas of how to present them differently each day. My favourite was probably Mondays which I tried to get the children to learn in a rap style!

Me next to the HBC banner

Preparations are coming together now – thinking more about packing, what I am taking with me – or what will fit in my bags!

This quick cricket set I have bought to take to Kahunda to introduce the sport to the young people there!

Started to say goodbyes now