Pretty nervous in this picture because it is my first time ever on the radio.
I was kindly allowed by Vine fm to be interviewed by John on Good Friday from 11.00-11.30. For more information about Vine fm please visit http://www.vinefm.org.uk/.
So here is some background information about my gap year to Tanzania.
I am going on AIM’s short term mission programme Synergy, on an Individual placement.
Why go on a gap year?
I had no idea what God or I wanted to to do with the next stage in my life.
Through various conversations, I realised I needed to take some time out to find out what God has planned for me.
This year is to challenge me and put me out of my comfort zone so that I will learn and understand that I must rely on God rather than my self and the people around me.
Why I am going on a gap year?
* To serve God by serving others
* To work with young people and talk with them about our amazing God
* To think about my life and understand what God has planned for me
What am I going to be doing there?
* Teaching
* Working with the young people in the village through bible studies and time together
* I will be coaching young people sport, and I will have the privilege to introduce them to rugby
* Helping them to work with the three computers in the village, with my basic IT knowledge
They have a children's camp in the summer as well as a kindergarten that has just started, I may be involved with these as well.